The methods of production, distribution, and exhibition
Production is how you make the film, what you need in order to make it, you need personnel, crew, a cast, the money to make a film, how they get that money and what they spend it on like stars, story, effects and cast.
Distribution is the way that the film is put out there in terms of promotion and advertising, and how it's sold around the world and the big studios get an audience to come to the cinema and also consume the film in other ways
Exhibition is when the film is in the cinema, and life beyond the cinema, such as how the film can be consumed after the cinema like home viewing, VOD (video on demand), SVOD (Subscription Video on demand(Netflix, Amazon prime))
The conglomerates are the big companies that own smaller companies, The Big 6. This is the ownership within the film industry.
New technology used within the film industry is for viral marketing, via social media, such as youtube.
Explain the differences in production, distribution and exhibition between Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs and Black Panther (15 marks) (25 mins)
-2 and a half pages, when written by hand
-Intro- define key terms, explain case studies- indicate key differences (3 mins// 1/4 of a page?)
-Main body 1- Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs background in production, distribution, exhibition (7 mins) (3/4 of a page?)
-Main body 2- Black Panther detailed examples (10 mins, comparison) (1 page?)
-Conclusion- Bring together and answer question (what main differences and similarities? Future question?) (5 mins, 1/2 a page?)
Disney teamed up with the RKO to distribute SWATSD asa they were not a distributing company back then, they risked everything, only exhibited in cinemas, lots of people went to watch it, and it was re-released about every 5 years as there were no home-video technology. Dubbed into, and animated, text on screen in different languages for wider audience.
Marvel, a disney company, produced the film. Live action rather than an animate, hand drawn, cartoon. Youtubers that promoted the film, teaser ads, linking up with BuzzFeed, VICE and Vox, using technology to their advantage. Exhibited in cinemas, very popular, not as popular as snow white and the seven dwarfs, the film will be released on Blu-Ray, SVOD, VOD, etc.
The main difference is the use of technology, the main similarity is that they're releasing the films globally, including licensed products, merch.